9 Ways to Clear Out the Clutter from Your Restaurant:

The restaurant industry is a hard business to be in. You have to deal with the constant pressure of keeping customers happy, managing your employees, and staying true to your core values. When you are trying to keep up with everything, it can be easy for clutter to start accumulating everywhere. However, if you want to save time and increase efficiency, then here are some simple things that you can do to get rid of the excess so that you can focus on what’s important.

1. Discard unnecessary appliances:

Appliances that take up a valuable countertop or cabinet space should be discarded if they haven’t been used in at least six months. For example, let’s say there was once a time when you baked bread from scratch quite often, but ever since those days ended, it has just been taking up valuable real estate on your shelves. Instead of letting it sit there forever, you should determine if someone else could use your appliances or they are able to be sold.

2. Take inventory of what spices aren’t being used:

If certain herbs and spices haven’t been touched in at least six months, then don’t feel obligated to keep them just because they were expensive when purchased initially. Spices lose their flavor after about three years anyway, especially if kept out of the fridge. If you know that your staff isn’t using them, then take stock of what’s there and get rid of the ones that are old or unused for good by donating them to a local food pantry where they can be put to better use rather than wasting away in your kitchen cabinet.


3. Organize appliances:

It is easy enough to find ways of clearing out the clutter from your cabinets, drawers, etc., but one area of potential over-accumulation comes with the plethora of small appliances available on today’s market. It’s great if you have invested in some high-quality tools like blenders, mixers, grinders, etc., but when it all gets piled up together, things just become more difficult to manage. Try rotating appliances, so you are using all of them more evenly. You can also get rid of appliances that you never use anymore to make your kitchen look sleeker and more efficient for everyday tasks.

4. Organize staff:

Restaurants rely on the people who work there just as much, if not more, than they do their customers. That’s why it is important to invest some time into organizing ways that decrease clutter which will also help everyone stay productive while working with fewer distractions around them. This may mean creating specific areas where employees keep personal items, especially when these things tend to become scattered throughout the restaurant, or even providing lockers outside of the main workspace where they can store everything before clocking in each day.

5. Have napkins available at every table:

The next thing that you can do is think about the little things that add up over time which might be contributing to a cluttered space. For example, have napkins available at every table so that your customers don’t need to ask for them after they sit down; or even consider adding salt and pepper shakers onto each dining room table rather than having these condiments stored away somewhere out of sight.

Having everything accessible, especially when it comes from personal belongings, will help ensure that there isn’t anything extra scattered around the entire place. In addition, this practice makes sure people get what they want right away without needing to wait on someone else who potentially forgets, along with other delays while trying to get what they need.

6. Make sure you have a good dishwasher:

If your dishwasher isn’t doing its job, then this can result in excessive clutter. You don’t ever want to have dirty dishes piled up for hours because the person working on them doesn’t know how to use a machine correctly.

In addition, you definitely do not want people having their food get cold while they wait around for someone else who is still trying to figure out ways of getting stains off of glassware or other items that are more difficult than necessary. In order to avoid these kinds of issues from arising at all costs, make sure you have a great dishwasher

7. Have display counters:

If your restaurant is small, then you might not need to worry about this as much. But if you have a busy location where people are constantly coming and going, having a display counter will help customers pay for their items more quickly and also allow them to see what kinds of deals or specials that the store has available at any given time. It is also essential to make sure that the counters are clean and free of any clutter.

8. Make sure you have plenty of ways to store food:

Having great ways to store your food will make it easier for customers to grab what they want without creating an inconvenience or a safety hazard. For example, if people can’t find where something is located in the back room because there’s too much stuff everywhere, then this could cause problems when it comes time to prepare items for service. Also, remember that not every restaurant has the luxury of having walk-in refrigerators, so always check with local vendors before purchasing large appliances to avoid inferior quality products from being purchased.

9. Keep all of your ingredients in one location:

If you do not keep all of your ingredients in one location at certain times, then it can be easy for things to get cluttered. You don’t want people searching through cabinets and the refrigerator because they could potentially damage everything that is stored inside while looking around – which will inevitably lead to even more unnecessary clutter.

Instead, make sure that every item has its own specific place within your restaurant! Doing this can help save time when trying to prep items before service or set up during another shift.


By taking the time to get rid of clutter inside your restaurant, you will be able to focus on what’s important. By organizing everything in a more efficient way, it can save everyone some valuable time and energy that would otherwise have been spent looking for items or cleaning up areas that were not used during service.

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