The Best Cervical Pillow in India

Sleeping on an incorrectly designed pillow can lead to poor neck posture and cervical pain. Headaches related to the neck sometimes result from pain originating from the upper cervical spine. So if you often experience cervical tension or terrible neck pain problems, you will need to change the old pillow to a cervical pillow so that you can get great neck support while sleeping.

This special type of pillow is an orthotic device that helps to maintain the natural neutral shape of your spine or properly support and align the neck when you lie in bed. Simply put, a cervical pillow ensures that your neck is in the correct posture which is essential for better sleep and it prevents muscle strain.

A quality cervical pillow can help you maintain the natural cervical shape while sleeping on your back while at the same time enabling your ligaments and muscles to regain and relax their natural length. It also improves your sleep cycle by supporting and relieving tight muscles in your shoulders and neck because of enhanced blood flow. They offer maximum support where your regular pillow won’t.  If you too are looking for the best cervical pillow in India, this guide is for you. Here we have a list of some of the famous options that you can consider purchasing.

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How to choose the best cervical pillow in India?

Cervical Pillow

With so many options available, it is hard to guess which pillow works well to deal with neck & head pain. By considering the following aspects, your pillow selection will become easier. Some of the crucial aspects include filling type, firmness, size, height, sleeping position, brand, and price.

  1. Fill Type

Cervical pillows may design using different filling types, including latex, down, memory foam, or down alternative. People experiencing cervical pain must pick a pillow whose stuffing offers the optimum comfort and support to the neck as well as back. The pillow you pay for ensures that you sleep restfully in side-sleeping and back positions to lighten up all forms of intense pain.

  1. Material

The best pillow for cervical pain is good enough to hold your head at a right angle but comfortable enough to lessen pressure points. Some of the popular materials of a pillow for neck and shoulder pains are as follows:

  • Memory foam

Memory foam contours your head by producing a supportive crib around your neck and head. Memory foams are affordable, and widely available, either in solid or shredded foam and hypoallergenic. But they have the least lifespan, as opposed to other materials used in pillows. This material traps heat and stress.

  • Feather

Premium quality feather pillows offer maximum conforming and are soft. They can be adjusted according to your need. The downside of feather pillows is that they lose their loft since the feathers get squished over time.

  • Buckwheat

Buckwheat material doesn’t lose its appearance, making them a suitable choice for neck and head support. Being a natural material, buckwheat is durable, resistant to allergens, breathable, and eco-friendly. Cons are that they are usually offered at a higher price point and are not as soft as other regular pillows.

  • Latex

Latex has a floating feel that supports your neck in place whole enhancing relaxing pressure points. Most latex comes with pin core holes that improve heat regulation. The only downside is that they usually come in one solid piece which doesn’t allow them to be adjustable.

  • Polyfoam

Many polyfoams provide some boast and contouring and like memory foam, they will hold heat. However, they tend to produce continuous grooves over time and need to be replaced more often than other types of pillows.

  1. Size

Size is a crucial aspect to keep in mind while buying a pillow for cervical pain. If an oversized person is planning to use a pillow to sleep, the pillow should be big enough to support the neck and head completely.

  1. Height

Some people may sleep well with a higher one or a flatter pillow. Some pillows for neck and shoulder pain offer adjustable stuffing that can be used to raise or lower the height of the pillow.

  1. Certification or Approval

Pillows designed for cervical pain should be approved by any renowned medical authority. Be aware of fraud or duplicate products.